an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

Xpérience Métiers

Région Normandie


An immersive series of serious games designed to inspire career exploration.

The Normandie Escape Game Digital was created in collaboration with the Agence Régionale de l'Orientation et des Métiers de Normandie to promote various career paths through an engaging and educational experience.

The project comprised four serious games, each dedicated to a specific professional sector: health and social professions, building trades, digital careers, and energy professions. Players explored these worlds by interacting with objects and solving puzzles, unlocking pedagogical content designed to deepen their understanding of each career field.

The gameplay was intentionally adaptable, allowing for easy replication across other professional sectors, and optimized for mobile use to ensure accessibility for young audiences at career expos.

Design Concept
Artistic Direction

The visual identity focused on balancing functionality and immersion. The UI design was intentionally subdued, serving as a seamless framework that let the detailed illustrations and atmospheric environments take center stage.

Each game’s art direction was tailored to reflect the essence of its respective profession, creating a cohesive and immersive experience that drew players into the narrative.

This approach ensured the games were not only visually engaging but also effective in highlighting the diverse career opportunities within Normandy.

Making of

Discover how we create from scratch this project.