an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

An immersive card game blending cyberpunk aesthetics and addictive gameplay to kick off the year.

Out of Doors was created as an interactive card game to celebrate the new year with flair. Inspired by the Corsican card game “La Bataille” (or “Beat Jack out of Doors” in English), the project challenged players to test their reflexes in a fast-paced battle against the Lost Mechanics team.

Design Concept
Artistic Direction

The visual identity leaned heavily on cyberpunk and futuristic inspirations, featuring illustrations created in collaboration with artist Tom Pegaz. His designs for the Queen, King, Jack, and Ace characters added depth and personality to the game’s aesthetic.

To further enhance the experience, 3D teaser videos were produced to generate excitement and showcase the game’s dynamic visuals prior to its launch. This combination of vibrant artistry and engaging gameplay made Out of Doors an unforgettable start to the year.

Making of

Discover the backstage of this fun award winning project.

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